About Us

Kathleen Foland (the Midwest Mermaid Muse) makes small batch, all natural topical and culinary products created in Kansas City. Her wellness and beauty solutions are from whole plant sources and are to be experienced for wellness and beauty inside and out. Adding more natural ingredients without synthetic chemicals to your diet can help clean up your skin and body.

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The therapies offered, the botanicals utilized and the style created for you are about renewing your inner presence and outer beauty. Most of the skincare and food products available in our store contain seaweed and/or healing medicinal mushrooms which have been in use since ancient times for their nutritional benefits.

Kathleen’s blog (“Mermaid Musings”) is designed to help you learn more about the healthy services and organically-sourced products she uses. They come from gardens near and far so that the best ingredients are used to formulate Midwest Mermaid’s products. Our site also provides many recipe ideas for boosting flavor and nutrition and demonstrations on how to use our products.

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